Thank you for donating! You can donate online through the Paypal or DAF Direct links below. Please be sure to designate where you’d like your donation to go: to The Ocean Reef Community Foundation OR to Ocean Reef All Charities. (Paypal has a dropdown menu listing both options and DAF Direct has a text field to fill in.)

Donations to Ocean Reef All Charities will be added to funds raised over 2024 All Charities Weekend, held Feb. 2-4, and then distributed between our Recipient Partners. Click here to learn more about All Charities Recipient Partners.

Unless a specific notation is added, donations to the Ocean Reef Community Foundation will be designated to the Community Grants program.

You can also donate by check and send it to ORCF, 35 Ocean Reef Drive, Suite 148, Key Largo, FL 33037. If sending a check please designate in the memo if you’d like the donation to go to Ocean Reef Community Foundation or to Ocean Reef All Charities.

Donate by Paypal